3 Easy Ways Homeowners Can Save Energy

A man is screwing in a lightbulb.

According to EIA, energy use in the United States is doubling every 20 years. This puts a serious strain on natural resources. This is why it’s crucial to reduce the amount of energy you use in your home. This move also helps lower your utility bills. Here are some easy ways for homeowners to save energy.

Switch to LED Bulbs

Up to 68% of homes were still using incandescent bulbs in 2010. This is according to data from the United States Department of Energy(DOE). This percentage keeps dropping, and currently, about 30 to 40 % of homes still have them. According to the DOE, switching to Energy Star-certified LED bulbs can help save about $45 each year on energy costs. These lights can also last about ten times more than traditional filament bulbs, which again helps to save on utility bills. Energy-efficient LED bulbs save lots of energy and money.

Wash and Rinse Clothes in Cold Water

According to Cold Water Saves, about 90% of the energy consumed by the washing machine is used to heat water. Over time, washing and rinsing using cold water can save you lots of energy and money. The annual cost of washing and rinsing using warm water can amount to about $265 for homeowners. On the other hand, if you use cold water, you only consume energy worth $16. Apart from that, you may also want to switch to hanging clothes to dry instead of using an electric or gas dryer.

Switch Off Unused Appliances

Have you ever heard about phantom power? This is the power that’s consumed by your appliances even when they are not functioning. For instance, even if you are not using your microwave, it will consume power to keep the LED screens on. This is the same with lots of other appliances in the home, especially those with internet connections. These appliances usually go to standby mode and run updates when you are not using them. This consumes lots of electricity. As such, you must make it a point to totally switch off any unused appliances by cutting off power at the outlet. You can also use power strips to avoid phantom loads. Instead of unplugging everything, you can connect your appliances to a power strip and unplug them when they are not in use.

These are some of the ways to save energy in your home. Are you looking for more energy-saving tips for homeowners? Get in touch with us today. We would love to have a talk with you.