5 Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Local Electrical Contractor

An electrician works to wire a lightbulb.

It can be difficult to imagine a world without electricity. According to the Energy Information Administration, the US consumes approximately 92.94 quadrillions Btu annually. Buildings, both residential and commercial, take up 40% of primary energy and approximately 70% of all electricity produced in the United States.

Designing and laying an electrical system in your home is not an easy task. Any lapse in judgment can result in electrical faults, shocks, or worse, electrocution or fires — the US records over 45,000 cases of electric fires each year.

Here are five key factors to keep in mind when picking out a local electrical contractor.

1. Licensure and Accreditation

Only qualified and certified technicians should carry out any electrical work. Electrical contractors and engineers have to undertake a rigorous, formal accreditation training program before receiving a license to practice. Request the local electrical contractor to provide a valid, non-restricted electrical certificate. It would be best to find electricians who are members of a professional industry body.

2. Safety Protocols

Electricity is dangerous if mishandled. It travels at the speed of light, approximately 300 million m/s. A slight mishap by the local electrical contractor can result in a potentially fatal workplace accident. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that there are 350 electrical-related fatalities recorded each year. Inquire about the safety measures that the electrical contractor has in place to protect their technicians. The staff should have professional and safety equipment in place.

Additionally, the local electrical contractor should take out a worker’s compensation plan and general liability insurance. The workers’ comp covers any injuries that their workers may sustain while working your home. General liability covers any damage that the crew may cause while in your home.

3. Experience

Commercial electrical wiring and design vary significantly from residential projects. You may need to find an experienced electrician that can handle the scope of your project. You can check their website to verify their specialization. You can assess their expertise and knowledge by requesting to see a portfolio of past projects that they have completed. Additionally, you may check the number of years that the electrical installation company has been in business.

4. Customer Service

A critical part of the success of the wiring project is communication. You may need to pick a local electrical contractor with well-established communication channels that improve your customer experience. Electrical emergencies occur at the most inopportune of times and may require urgent attention. You ought to have an emergency electrician that is easily accessible 24/7. You can assess the electrical contractor’s service quality by checking what past clients say about their work ethic.

5. Pricing

Costs are a crucial part of your electrical wiring project. You can request multiple quotes from different electrical contractors for your project. Have a list of the services that you need which will help you effectively compare the quotations. Find an electrician that fits within your budget estimates without compromising on quality or safety.

Choosing the right local electrical contractor is critical for safe and affordable electrical wiring and installation. Volt Electric USA is a licensed electrician in Nashville, NC, that has been in business for over 21 years. Contact us today to discuss your project needs.